Boy's Mentoring
Many dads are absent or may not provide a good role model. One Step Boys Mentors can bridge the gap of a single parent child in need of a dad. Our guys provide friendly, fun, safe events such as woodworking, auto maintenance, camping, baseball games, amusement parks and so much more. We have seen boys that participate grow in their faith and relationship with God and their respect for parents, self and others.
You can sponsor a child or an event. We estimate $10 per child and have approximately 12 boys at our events.
Girl's Mentoring
Girls just want to have fun! True, and they need so much more. Our girls ministry is designed to help girls connect with God, be confident in who and whose they are and enjoy life together. Teachable moments are integrated as they enjoy activities such as theme parks, make-overs, bowling, jewelry making, baking, beach etc...
You can sponsor a child or an event. We estimate $10 per child and have approximately 12 girls at our events.