Girls and Boys Events

Godly men and women have joined One Step in creating events for boys and girls of single parents as part of a mentoring program. If you have, or know of a single-parent child aged 7 - 17 who is in need of a positive male/female influence in their life, this is a great opportunity to provide a role model for them to model who and whose they are.

Want to join the team and make a difference in a child's life?

Join the Team!


When: Saturday, March 29.

Drop-off time: 8:15-8:30 a.m.

Drop off location: Carl's Jr

For those One Step Mom's that want to attend the Terranova Woman's Tea on Saturday morning March 29, we would love to take your littles out for breakfast and then to the Sky Zone in Mission Viejo. The Sky Zone is a trampoline park just like Big Air was before closing.  Here's a link if you want to check it out.

Here are the details you need to know:

Ages: 6 through 12


A waiver for SkyZone MUST be completed online ahead of time!  Click Here for Waiver


When: Saturday, April 12

Where: Terranova Church parking lot

For: Kids ages 6-17

Just bring your kids and stay yourself if you like! From 11 a.m. to noon we will be serving pizza and sodas. We will have a face-painting booth too! From noon to 2 p.m. we will be staging Nerf War games,

All Nerf gun equipment will be provided. If you leave your kids for the festivities, please pick them by 2 p.m. Fill out the medical release to reserve your child’s space

If you have any questions please email Frank Anderson:



TerraNova Midweek

When: February 6 - April 24

What: Midweek

Who: Children of single parents ages 6 - 12 attending

the Terranova Church Fall Kick-Off

Where: Terranova

Time: 6-8 PM

The program is designed for kids who want to grow in their relationship with Christ. The program includes: Music, Projects, Games, Snack time, Weekly homework, and both large and small group settings. Small groups are consistent and build upon one another. For this reason, families make a commitment for kids to do three things: 1) Show Up! 2) Practice faith at home! 3) Have a positive attitude! When kids, parents, and leaders partner to do these things, the SNK Midweek experience soars!

Sign Up!



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